Chung-Hsi Han

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Current City:Delft
Education:BFA, Royal Academy Of Arts The Hague
Medium:Drawing, Painting
Exhibitions:Pictura, Dordrecht, 2015, Dordrecht
Kunsthal Boschveldt, 2014, Den Bosch
Gallery Ariana, 2014, The Hague
Art Rotterdam, 2013, Rotterdam
38cc, 2011, Delft
Artist Statement:
Drawings: The simplicity of paper, charcoal and an eraser is very challenging to me. ‘Metamorphoses’, large drawings sized 65 x 380 cm, suggesting silent, spacious landscapes.
The idea of ‘Metamorphoses’ originates from Moleskin Leporellos. The Moleskins travelled with me from 2003 to 2012 through wide landscapes in India, Nepal, California, UK and Europe, but most of the time on day to day travels by train between my home and my work. Paintings: The paintings are a need for colour, rawness

The enormous impact a harsh landscape like the Himalayan Mountains can have I experienced personally while walking for days along goat tracks from one building site to the next, working as a suspension bridge engineer (1987-1991). Mentally and physically the experience was so powerful that I decided to change my profession. As Hendrik van Leeuwen (2005) stated: ‘Only in art he thought to be able to find a true answer to the creative and destructive force of nature’. The start was made at The Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (1993-1997). In 2003 I got a ‘basisstipendium’, a grant by FVBK based on the quality of my work. It was only in 2006 that I started drawing again.
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