Peter Matthews

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March, 2014
Current City:England
Education:MFA, Nottingham Trent University
BFA, Nottingham Trent University
Exhibitions:Power Of The Sea, 2014, Royal West Of England Academy, Bristol, England
0:60 The Experience Of Time Through Contemporary Art, 2013, North Carolina Museum Of Art, North Carolina, USA
Sea Journeys, 2013, Künstlerhaus Dortmund, Germany
Glasklar Milchig, 2013, Forum Factory, Berlin, Germany
KartinaZembla/Picture Island, 2013, An Tobar, Comar, Isle Of Mull, Scotland
Artist Statement:
I am interested in working directly with the mystical elements, dimensions and truths that shape and inform our experience and understanding of who and where we are in the universe. Through spending extended hours working in real time and in a very direct approach and relationship with the ocean, and through its extension and connection with the universe, I seek to question and challenge, reveal and work with these mystical truths.

I work across different ways of image making and continuously discover that a drawing can take me to places that a painting cannot while, similarly, video may be more susceptible to capturing something that drawing, even after hours and hours drifting in the ocean, may elude.

My work is motivated by the notions of discovery and exploration, to jettison oneself from technology and to realign oneself back with the cosmic cycles of being a luminous human being in a world that is radically changing in speed, scale, direction and its connection and understanding of where we are in the universe

Peter Matthews has had several solo shows of his work including the exhibitions at the James Cohan Gallery, NY and Mendes Wood Gallery, Sao Paulo. In 2010 he showed several drawings at the Drawing Center, NY.
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