Flavia Stefana Popescu

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Hometown:Bucharest, RO
Current City:Bucharest, RO
Education:BFA, Graphic Department / National University Of Arts, Bucharest, Romania
MFA, Graphic Department / National University Of Arts, Bucharest, Romania
Medium:Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting
Exhibitions:“Masterofdisater Graphic Arts”, 2015, National University Of Art, Bucharest, Romania
“Preview - Master Dissertation Graphic Arts”, 2015, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest, Romania
Artist Statement:
My concept is based on communication, precisely, combining writing and visual elements.
Using my journal I record and investigate the relation between me and society, environment and
even with myself. The notebooks that I created are indispensable for expressing my thoughts, feelings, ideas and states of mind. I create my own universe in which self­reflection is vital.My artistic direction is focused mostly on self awareness but also on discovering the personalities and events that surrounds me.

2013 – 2015: MA Graphic department / National University of Arts, Bucharest, Romania
2010 – 2013: BA Graphic department / National University of Arts, Bucharest, Romania
2006 – 2010: High school of Fine Arts “Carmen Sylva”, Ploiesti, Romania

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