Julian Jackson

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Hometown:Richmond, Virginia
Current City:Brooklyn, NY
Education:BFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, School Of Painting
Medium:Painting, Print
Exhibitions:Crossing, Solo Exhibition, 2012, Kathryn Markel Fine Art, NYC
Afterglow, Solo Exhibition, 2011, Karan Ruhlen Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Aura, Solo Exhibition, 2011, Page Bond Gallery, Richmond, VA
Aura Studies, Solo Exhibition, 2011, Galerie Kaysser, Munich, Germany
Will 'O The Wisp, Solo Exhibition, 2010, Kathryn Markel Fine Art, NYC
Artist Statement:
The elusive nature of light and color and the architecture of space have been the subjects of my abstract paintings for more than ten years. I have come to embrace the ephemeral with its’ attendant ambiguities as the core of my painting practice. I think of paintings as places that one can revisit often as one would a favorite mountain, tree, garden, or building, as still points of contemplation in a world of relentless change.

Julian Jackson was born in Richmond, Virginia. He studied painting, printmaking, photography, and performance at Mass. College of Art, Boston, MA, and Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA. His paintings have been widely exhibited nationally and internationally. He is a member and secretary of the American Abstract Artists, and has been awarded fellowships from the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Soaring Gardens. His most recent solo exhibition was “Crossing” at Kathryn Markel Fine Art, New York in May, 2012. His work can be found in numerous public and private collections in the United States and Europe.
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