Lucie Duban

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Hometown:Royan, FR
Current City:Madrid, ES
Medium:Drawing, Painting
Exhibitions:Showcase (Collective Show), 2008, The 10001, Brick Lane, London, UK
Dreams And Escape (Solo Show), 2010, Oxford House Gallery, London, UK
Dreams And Escape II (Solo Show), 2011, Royan, France
Artist Statement:
I choose painting as it's a simple yet concrete material in opposition with the virtual and complexed mechanisms of our societies. I love that it conveys a visual along with emotions while being tangible.
I see painting as the print of dreams and the exterior proof of one's inner world and vision.
In my work, I want to succeed in arising and strengthening people’s imagination.
I want the viewers to have a spiritual experiment and remember the child they're once were and, hopefully, still are.

Born in Royan (France),1982. I live and work in Madrid (Spain).
My main influence is Nature. My other masters are Odilon Redon, Arshile Gorky, along with Chagall, Alan Davie, Kandinsky and Wols.
I paint abstract or semi abstract forms extracted from this fantastic source which is Nature; then I focus on giving them a dynamic and a gestural language related to our human reality.
Awards : Art Majeur Silver Award 2010
2010: Interview in Bangla News, London newspaper
2010: Interview Emdad Rahman's blog.
2012: International Catalog of Modern Art, CIDA
2015: Shaw Creative Catalog, Issue n°1
2015: Interview Shaw Creative's blog
2015: Exhibooks (coming)

My work is in private collections.
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