Riffel Christian

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January, 2015
Hometown:Buenos Aires, AR
Current City:Buenos Aires, AR
Education:BFA, University Of Buenos Aires
Medium:Installation, Painting, Sculpture
Exhibitions:Emplazamiento. Luz, Color, Espacio, 2018, Space Caballero
Código Ópctico. Dialéctica Lumínica, 2017, Space Modos
Acromatismo Abstractos, 2017, University Of Salvador
Ver Sólo Se Aprende Mirando, 2016, Union Gallery
Fuerza, 2014, Honneycomb Gallery
Artist Statement:
Works the poetics of geometry and space, which transits through painting, sculpture and lighting installations. In his painting he explores with superimposed and empty figures, the three-dimensional in the plane, from different formats and supports in his montage. Then, in the light installations, it approaches the appropriation of the immaterial space; from the handling of light and mirrors, it generates reflections and shadows that polidimensionan the geometry of space. From there results an e

1999, he began to develop his artistic activity in the urban space. 2009 he studied Graphic Design at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Buenos Aires. In 2011 he participates in the House of the Art residence Red Bull / Sao Pablo. He currently attends the PAC (Contemporary Artistic Practices) Program of the Gachi Prieto Gallery. I carry out a work clinic with Leila Tschopp and workshops with Silvia Gurfein, Karina Peisajovich, Alfio Demestre, among others. He participated in numerous collective exhibitions and urban art festivals in several countries. His works belong to private collections in Canada, Germany, Holland, the United States and Argentina.
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