Colleen Merrill

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Current City:Lexington, KY
Education:MFA, University Of Kentucky
Medium:Mixed Media
Artist Statement:
Colleen Merrill examines notions of motherhood, relationships, and sexuality through the reconfiguration of domestic textiles.

Merrill obtained her MFA from the University of Kentucky and BFA from the University of Cincinnati. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally at Institute 193 in Lexington, Zephyr Gallery in Louisville, Arc Gallery in San Francisco, The Pittsburg Center for the Arts and at the International Textile Biennial in Haact, Belgium.

Merrill was recently awarded an Artist Enrichment Grant from the Kentucky Federation for Women. She has received fellowships for attending artist residencies such as the Byrdcliffe Artist Residency and The Pentaculum Textiles Residency at the Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts. Her work has been published most recently in the Australian book, “The Craft Companion” by Ramona Barry.
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