Hometown: | Minsk, BY |
Current City: | Jerusalem, IL |
Website: | www.alexeyadoninart.com |
Education: | BFA, Glebov Arts College (Minsk, Belarus). |
Medium: | Painting |
Exhibitions: | Artrepreneur: Curated, 2022, New York Artists Equity Association, NY, USA. Künstler Und Das „Verbindende Nein“, 2021, St. Laurentius Church, Pegau, Germany. Lacuna Festivals 2021: Distance, 2021, The Lacuna Studios, Lanzarote (Canary Islands), Spain. Künstler Und Das „Verbindende Nein“, 2021, Matthias Ehrenfried Generation Center, Würzburg, Germany. Immersion Site, 2021, Carrie Able Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, USA. |
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